It's the one condition every buyer wants in their purchase agreement and also the one that no seller wants to accept. This month, Steve and Chandani discuss the dreaded "Subject To Sale". It can be a very polarizing topic for many Agents, Buyers and Sellers. No matter how you feel about it, kick back and enjoy this discussion in order to help you m...
In and increasing market, pricing your listing a little high isn't a big deal. Over time, market price will catch up to your listing price and you will achieve a sale. Listing a little high in a decreasing market will actually cause you to sell for less in the long run and this video explains why that is in an easy to understand format.
Many of us out there are feeling the pressure of high cost of living, big payments and growing debt. In this month's Surrey Report, Steve sits down with Randy West of R. West & Associates to discuss what can be done if you are in over your head financially.
Randy is a licensed insolvency trustee and in this conversations he answers helpful questions...
Sadly, due to the restrictions in place regarding gatherings over 50 people, our annual Client BBQ benefiting the Surrey Food Bank was put on hold until next summer.
However, even though we cannot get together for a good time, it is still our intention to support our chosen charity, by holding a food drive from September 21st until the 30th.
The agent with the signs around my house? The one with the biggest bus bench? The guy offering the lowest commission? How do you know who to hire to get the best results when selling your home?
In this month's Surrey Report Steve and Chandani explain the correct way to qualify candidates when interviewing agents to help with the sale of your home. A...